Contract Negotiations: The In-House Counsel Juggling Act
You’re an in-house contracts professional.
You spend most of your day negotiating agreements. You know your work. You are good at your work. You like what you do, but you feel so buried in contract negotiations that you can’t see the forest for the trees. But, you want to. You want to see the forest. You want to be able to do more than just the usual technical grunt work and provide strategic value during the negotiation of a contract but there are just so many other things that you need to do and stay on top of during a negotiation.
You have to find the right contract for the specific deal and make sure that the team is using, collaborating, and providing their inputs on the most updated version of the contract.
You need to make sure that you didn’t miss any changes in the updated version that was just provided to you (sometimes without track changes ) and that you have read every single word in that contract.
You need to make sure that the latest version is in line with your team’s business goals/policies and covers all the operational, financial, and business issues that were discussed.
You also need to make sure that the last version reflects all the points and agreements reached with the other side on the last call and summarized in that email which you need to find quickly, right now, when you need it most.
And, you need to do all of this while making sure that everything is drafted concisely and clearly, and safeguarding the interests and policies of the company. And to do all of this, you need to constantly switch from your inbox to MS Word, and, you need to quickly and easily find the right document, the right email, the right information. (sigh)
Does any of this sound familiar?
Contract negotiations are a juggling act. So much to keep track of and be worried about. When you have to keep so many balls in the air and you feel literally buried in it all, it’s very hard to have enough head space and peace of mind to be able to really see the forest for the trees, to be able to think strategically and commercially, and to be able to provide that much needed added value to your team. You want to be able to stay on top of everything, provide strategic advice, move fast, get the job done, and go home, all while staying relatively sane and with minimal disruption to your personal life.
We understand all of this, we have been through this, and that is why we’re building something different to enable you to do all of that. We want to help you with contract negotiations and give you new capabilities. We want to give you that focus and peace of mind during negotiations so that you can protect the company, stay on top of it all, and spend more time thinking strategically and helping your team build relationships. We also want to help you maintain balance in your busy life and make sure you don’t get burned out. And, to be able to do all of that and more without changing how you work.
We got your back. Stay tuned. And if you’re interested, follow us on LinkedIn to learn more.